203k/FHA Home Rehabilitation Consultants
A great way to make your home great again is to get a 203K HUD-backed loan. You know what’s great about a Rehabilitation loan? You get the help of an expert, the HUD Consultant. They are there to help the building project stay on course, ensure that the work is professional and the craftmanship second to none so that you can just relax and watch your dream home grow before you!
Yellow Hat’s rehabilitation consultants work with the best construction companies, ensuring that the needs of the borrower are met in full while ensuring the money is spent correctly and the loan officer is protected from poor management and misappropriated monies so at the end of the project everyone can be proud of the home, the way it was built, and how the money was used to best advantage!

Check out the following resources (CLICK on links):
- What Is An FHA 203(k) Loan? – Texas United Mortgage
- 203(k) Rehab Mortgage Insurance | HUD.gov / U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
- SFH: 203(k) Rehabilitation Mortgage Insurance | HUD.gov / U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
- FHA 203(k) Loans In Texas: Buying Foreclosure And Fixer-Uppers (gustancho.com)
- Understanding FHA 203k Loans: Rehabilitation Mortgage Insurance by HUD (texasfha.org)
We are here to help. Got some questions about a home improvement project but don’t know who to ask? Call us. Our advice is free and we do not earn a penny until you start your project so there is no reason for us to give you anything other than sound, unbiased advice. Call us on 972-400-1053!